Cleavers (Galium aparine)
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus, Saturn, moon
Element: Water
Folk Names: Madder’s Cousin, Goose Grass, Catchweed
Parts Used: The Entire Plant
Cleavers, botanical name Galium aparine, is a plant from the family Rubiaceae. Cleavers have long straggling stems and small star shaped white to greenish-white flowers that have a smell similar to honey.
The History of Cleavers
Cleavers is considered a noxious weed in some places and is found in many places around the world including BUT not limited to Europe, North Africa, Asia, Australia and the USA.
Culinary Use
Drinking cleavers juice is said to treat tumors and engorgement. Juice can be extracted by placing the herb into a blender with water and then blending into a pulp (also known as a succus). The juice can then be filtered out through a strainer or cloth.
The young shoots of the plant can also be cooked or eaten raw and are often used in soups.
Cleavers is also infused into tea and ingested to treat internal ailments.
Medicinal Uses
Cleavers can be prepared into a pulp and then applied topically as a poultice to treat ulcers, lumps and wounds. Watered down it can be used as a wash to treat inflammation of the skin. It’s calming attributes also make it great for bringing down fevers and treating contagion like chicken pox and measles.
Cleavers is a diuretic, it cleanses the toxins out of the body via the urinary tract. It is used to treat kidney stones, cleanse the lymphatic system and help with various urinary tract ailments such as cystitis.
The astringent attributes make cleavers great for giving the liver function a boost, improve digestion and help with the absorption of nutrients.
Cleavers can cause irritation in some people but has been often shown to help with the treatment of skin complaints such as psoriasis and eczema.
Studies have also shown that Cleavers has the ability to bring down high blood pressure and is often used to help with sleeplessness and insomnia.
Cleavers can also have a laxative effect when ingested.
Magickal Uses Of Cleavers
Because of the plants tendency to bind together due to tiny little hooks located on the plants stem and leaves, cleavers is commonly used in binding spells and matters of commitment.
Use cleavers in spells or mojo bags that deal with commitment issues, rocky relationships and love.
The sap of cleavers is known to cause serious irritation to the skin and dermatitis in susceptible people.
We have listed known warnings about this plant. These warnings are a guide only and although some magical herbs are safe in small quantities they can be poisonous in large doses or if used incorrectly. If you are not experienced in herbs the rule to stick by is “when in doubt….don’t risk it”.
References: “Wikipedia.org”. Galium aparine. Retrieved 07/03/2016, “Herbs2000.com”. Cleavers. Retrieved 07/03/2016, Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. Llewellyn Publications; 1st edition (October 1985). Print.
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