Full Moon Releasing Rituals

Full Moon Releasing Rituals

Whilst it isn’t absolutely essential, choosing the right moon phase when working a spell or ritual can be highly beneficial to the strength of the magick. Full moons are great for working spells and rituals designed to help release anything in your life that no longer serves you. The idea is that as the lunar energies change during its phase from full to new (dark) moon it will assist by drawing away the things you are trying to release. If you miss the full moon, don’t distress, the energy of the waning moon is somewhat different but still useful for the same purpose.

Here are a few simple full moon releasing rituals to help you along the way.

Full moon spells Ritual 1
What you will need:
A candle
A piece of paper
A pen
A heatproof bowl/ashtray or cauldron

What you need to do:
On the night of the full moon find yourself a comfortable place outside (weather permitting) and sit in the light of the moon. On the piece of paper write down the things that you wish to release from your life. When you have finished, read your list out loud to the moon asking her to help remove these elements from your life. Place the paper into the flame of the candle and then into the heatproof bowl/ashtray. When the paper has been reduced to ash, release them to the earth and thank the moon for her assistance.

**It is extremely important if you choose to try this ritual to be aware of fire safety and fire restrictions in your area. This ritual is probably not the best option during the middle of a heat wave in summer or during fire bans.

Ritual 2
What you will need:
A candle
Full (or waning) moon

What you need to do:
*This one is very similar to the first ritual, however, we cut out the need for the pen and paper.
Standing/sitting under the light of the full moon light the candle and say something along the lines of…
“As I light this candle I ask that the flame become a cage for the things that no longer serve me in this life. I release to the flame…(recite the things you wish to release)…As I extinguish this flame I ask that the smoke carry away these things from my life.”
As always remember to thank the moon for her assistance.

**There is some debate as to whether or not the flame should be blown out or extinguished with a candle snuff when working rituals but I suggest using whichever you are most comfortable with.

Ritual 3Cleansing with a full moon clean
What you will need:
A few cleaning supplies
Incense (optional)

What you need to do:
Spring clean and declutter your home while burning some incense. This one is very simple and practical and, while most probably wouldn’t consider it a ritual, I have found it to be a highly effective way to release things from my life. Holding onto unwanted or un-needed clutter in your physical space has the flow on effect of you holding onto emotions, beliefs, and ideas that no longer suit the life you are wanting to live. Get rid of paperwork you no longer need, clear out your wardrobe of clothes you never wear, empty your kitchen cupboards of those unused baking supplies. Basically, if it serves no purpose or you’re not in love with it, clear it out. The end result is, not only a living space you love, but a clear and happy space for your mind and heart to clear themselves of clutter.

Once you’ve physically cleaned your space. you could also work to change the energy by using sound (ringing bells) or smoke cleansing (using herbs suitable for smoking on charcoal or white sage or palo santo).

These rituals are by no means set in stone. Feel free to adapt them to suit your needs or your beliefs. In my experience, a personalised ritual is always going to be far more effective.

If you need ritual supplies such as candles and herbs, you can find all these and more at our website

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Some of the information provided on this Witchcraft Blog are based on myth, folklore and tradition and may suggest some supernatural or medicinal powers, however we make no claims as to their medical, magickal, psychic or esoteric properties and are sold as curios only.

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