Herbs & Botanicals


Rosemary Magick SpellsRosemary is one amazing herb. According to legend, it was draped around the Greek goddess Aphrodite when she rose from the sea and the Virgin Mary was said to have spread her blue garments over a rosemary bush, turning the white flowers blue. It has been used throughout history as a decorative plant, as a cooking herb, as medicine and as a method of pest control. It’s evergreen, blooming with white, pink, purple or blue flowers in spring and can be grown from the roughest of cuttings. It’s also a very hardy plant, so even the most prolific of plant killers (like myself) can grow a bushel of rosemary easily in a pot or garden bed.

Rosemary has potent magickal properties and many uses. I find that it is fantastic for spell-pouches because it maintains its beautiful scent, even when it dries and it’s great for protective amulets and magick. It is also associated with cleansing, purification, love, friendship, remembrance and memory, but be aware that it should not be ingested in large doses.

As rosemary has such strong associations with memory, it’s a very useful herb to have on hand when you need to retain important information or have an exam coming up. Try making some rosemary tea, and while stirring deosil whisper;

Rosemary herb
Please hear my plea
Lend your strength to my mind
To aid my memory

If you have a lot on your mind, a little pouch of rosemary in a pocket or handbag is great to keep with you for work, but if you don’t have a separate pocket or you are reluctant to spread rosemary leaves in your bag, dotting a drop of rosemary essential oil on your temples also aids with memory and stimulates energy.

For aches and pains, a hot bath with rosemary sprigs has a warming and soothing effect, which can also calm and sooth disorders such as restless leg syndrome.rose1

The protective qualities of rosemary are also great for protecting yourself or others. Hanging a bunch of rosemary that is bound with a few pieces of green, light blue and white twine by any physical entrances to your house is a simple way to deter negative energies and dark magick from entering.

Drying a posy of rosemary and burning it by a window is said to aid in finding a potential mate and giving a sprig of rosemary to a friend as a gift means that you will never forget them and is a good travel gift for protection when traveling over bodies of water.

Rosemary is one of my most favorite herbs, and it always manages to work its way into my spells somehow. Its many uses, robust nature and beautiful and powerful scent make it a fantastic herb to have on hand, either growing in a garden, potted or dried and stored. If you haven’t already, keep an eye out for a rosemary bushel and borrow a tiny spring for planting in your own herb garden!

You can purchase herbs for magickal use at our online store https://thesacredwillow.com.au/

Disclaimer: This site is for informative purposes only and its content should not be considered professional advice. While every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy it is no replacement for the attention of a dedicated professional. The Sacred Willow and it;s proprietors cannot be held responsible for any damage and/or injury suffered resulting from actions and/or decisions based on information found on the site. Please do not self diagnose any condition regarding your own or another’s health. Always seek professional advice or arrange a consultation.

Some of the information provided on this Witchcraft Blog are based on myth, folklore and tradition and may suggest some supernatural or medicinal powers, however we make no claims as to their medical, magickal, psychic or esoteric properties and are sold as curios only.

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