Moon Phases and Spellwork

Moon Phases and Spellwork

When casting a spell you obviously want to give it every chance to work. There is a time and place for your spell and understanding which phase of the moon to cast your spell in will be a contributing factor to the success of your spell. You will find that working with the moon your spells will increase in strength and your rituals will be given more significance.

The more you become attuned to the moon and it’s cycles you will find that it plays an integral part in your well being both mentally and physically. Not that it has to as we are all in control of our own life but I believe that the different phases of the moon cycle influences peoples behaviour such as in the first quarter you’ll see a heightened activity of people wanting to start new things.

During the second quarter the need to start new things will continue for a while then gradually slow down around the full moon. People may continue old projects that have been put aside, friends may push you to get something done or ask you to make good on a promise you made. The full moon can bring about emotional instability leading to rash behaviour which causes unexpected occurrences.

The fourth quarter is a time of pulling apart, it is a likely time to see a break up in a relationship and some people will become more moody.

Types Of Spells Based On The Moon Phase

The New Moon: From the day of the new moon to three and a half days later is a time for new beginnings and ventures, cast a spell for your creativity the birth of a new relationship or idea or a spell for renewal .

The Waxing Moon: The time from the new moon to the full moon is called the waxing moon and is a period when the moon is gaining power. So from seven to fourteen days after the new moon is a time for constructive spells such as love, health, success and luck.

The Full Moon: This is the most powerful time of the lunar cycle, spells cast during a full moon are much stronger than those cast in other cycles of the moon. From fourteen to seventeen and a half days after the new moon is a perfect time for casting spells.

The Waning Moon: From the full moon to the new moon the moon’s strength wanes and is a great time for using spells to help release you from addictions, clearing negativity in your life and to help with any illnesses. The time for these types of spells is from three and a half to ten and a half days after the full moon.

The Dark Moon: If you are looking to rid yourself of bad habits the dark moon is an ideal time for this type of spell. It is a time to reflect on our angers or passions and ask for compassion and strength. The time to practice dark moon spells is ten and a half to fourteen days after the full moon.

If your spell doesn’t correspond with the moon phase you are currently in, you could rework it to be more intune with the lunar energy at the time. For example, a spell for abundance could become a spell to decrease lack and could be done during the waning moon.

I hope you are able to work with these energies to improve your spellwork.

Blessed Be x

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