Pouch to Ward Away Nightmares
We all have nightmares from time to time, but reoccurring nightmares that begin to encroach on valuable rest can become a real problem. I suffer occasionally from bouts of nightmares, usually when I’m at my most stressed! But luckily I’ve found that crafting a spell pouch is a simple and effective way of keeping nightmares at bay. The physical size of the pouch is flexible, you can make a small pouch to keep with you beneath a pillow, or a larger one to hang next to your bed. Either way, this method super-charges your protection against nightmares for a restful and restorative sleep, plus it’s a little neater than stuffing a sprig of rosemary under your pillow each night.
This spell has two components, the lavender water we will soak our string in, and the pouch and its ingredients. For this ritual, I like to find a quiet space in nature where I won’t be interrupted. It’s important that you are focused and calm during the ritual so you don’t transfer any negative energies into the pouch. I do suggest performing a ritual to clear your body and mind of negative energies before you begin.
Ingredients for the Lavender Water
A teaspoon of salt
A shallow bowl of purified water
Lavender flowers or essential lavender oil
Ingredients for the Pouch
One material pouch (white, blue, violet, purple or olive coloured pouches are best)
Red, yellow, blue and green twine – 10 cm approx.
Permanent marker (optional)
A teaspoon of salt
Lavender flowers or essential lavender oil
Rosemary for banishing and protection
Jasmine flowers or essential jasmine oil for success and spiritual aid
Mustard seeds for protection and enhancing mental powers
Chamomile for soothing and relaxation
Bay leaves for removing negative energy
Basil leaves to steady the mind and protect against mental intrusions
A piece of citrine for personal power and success
A piece of angelite for calming
Any other ingredient with relevant properties that you would like to add
The Ritual
Cast a circle around you with all the materials for the pouch at hand.
Take the bowl of water and add the lavender flowers or essence into the water.
Place the four coloured pieces of string in the lavender water, making sure they are each fully soaked. Keep the strings in the water to one side for now.
Begin adding ingredients into your pouch, starting with the salt saying “may this salt bind this pouch and all it’s contents with purity”.
Add your herbs and stones saying aloud “(name of herb/stone) I thank you for the power you lend. Please aid me in my sleep and keep nightmares at bay”.
Once you have filled your pouch with ingredients, take the pieces of twine from the lavender water and hold them in your hands saying “with this red, yellow, blue and green twine I represent the elemental energies of flame, air, water and earth. Sacred elements, guard me against nightmares and deliver me restful sleep”.
Tie each piece around the opening of the pouch to seal it shut.
Dip your finger in the lavender water and trace a symbol of protection or calm on the material of the pouch (I generally use runes from the runic alphabet as well as my own personal sigils). You can also draw symbols with a marker if you prefer. As you trace the markings say “I inscribe this symbol of (protection, calm etc.…) to direct the power of all that is within this pouch to aid me in my sleep and grant me the blessings of peaceful rest, so mote it be”.
After you complete the ritual and open your circle, hang the pouch above your bed or place it underneath your pillow to guard you from nightmares. Often before bed I will retrace the symbols that are on the pouch with my finger and then trace the same symbol on my forehead to help funnel the energies of the pouch to me as I sleep.
Sweet dreams!
Need to stock up on herbs for ritual use? You can find a huge range in our online store https://thesacredwillow.com.au/
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Some of the information provided on this Witchcraft Blog are based on myth, folklore and tradition and may suggest some supernatural or medicinal powers, however we make no claims as to their medical, magickal, psychic or esoteric properties and are sold as curios only.