Spells for Uncertain Times

Spells for Uncertain Times

auras-colors2We are living in unprecedented times.  Walking around with friends or at work, I hear bits and pieces of the same conversation.  What will the world look like now? What will happen to us? What about the economy? What about…? Even people who usually avoid  conversations about topics like politics, environmental causes and global health policy are left with uncertainties and anxieties about the future.
It’s times like these I turn to my Book of Shadows for a little extra help. The following are a few of my favourite calming and clarity spells. Some are little mantras I keep in my mind, others are rituals, but all of them have helped me out of binds on at least on occasion, and I hope you find them useful too.

A Spell to Rid Yourself of Negative Energy

You will need:
1 x Air-Yellow candle
1 x Earth-Green candle
1 x Water-Blue candle
1 x Fire-Red candle
1 x Light Blue Candle
1 Hematite stone for absorbing negativity

Cast a circle large enough for you and the objects required for the ritual. Place each candle before you in their corresponding cardinal point,
North = green candle
East = yellow candle
South = red candle
West =  blue candle

Light the elemental candles staring with North and say “earth, soul of nature, enter this circle and bring me strength.”
Light the yellow candle and say “air of the heavens, enter this circle and lend me your breath.”
Light the red candle and say “flame of light enters this circle and lend me your warmth.”
Light the blue candle and say “water, healer of earth, enter this circle and bring me calm.”

Now that each elemental candle is alight, say “with the lighting of these flames this circle is cast, it is closed to negativity. Nothing harm-doing may enter here, let only light and peace draw near”.candles2

Sit in the center of your circle and light the light blue candle saying “I am at peace, I am calm, circle of light, lend me energy and clarity”.
Place the light blue candle before you and take some time to meditate and clear your thoughts. At this point I try to focus clearly on the anxieties I am experiencing, drawing them into sharp focus with each breath. Focusing on the negativity at this point may seem counteractive, but it’s important to direct healing magick to the source of your anxieties in order to help them heal.

When you are ready and focused, hold the hematite stone in your hands and say with emphasis “energy is circular, neither created nor destroyed, I draw my peace from the elements. I cast my negativity into this stone!” Allow the negative energies that were burdening you to pour out into the stone, visualizing the powerful and positive energies filling the space that the negative energy left behind. At this point I like to meditate in the peace and calm of the circle, allowing thoughts to drift through my head freely. Sometimes I will even light lavender incense in the circle and take the time to enjoy the cleansing properties of the smoke expanding over you and your space.

When you feel calm and ready to complete the ritual, begin in the north and snuff out the Elemental candles, thanking each for their contributions to the circle.
Extinguish your light blue candle saying “with the extinguishing of these flames this circle is opened, but unbroken. The peace and strength found within will remain unhindered in me and around me. So mote it be!”

Now, take the hematite stone and place it in a glass of salted water. Put the stone outside or on a window sill and leave it there for a full cycle of the moon. This will cleanse the stone of the negative energies you have channeled into it and allows you to use it again if you need to. Hematite is also a healing stone, so it’s a good stone to keep on you if you are experiencing health problems.

A Calming Chant for Protection from Negative Energies

Keeping a personal mantra somewhere visible, or even on a small piece of paper tucked away in a pocket is a great way of keeping you focused and centered. Often I write a chant on the inside of a diary that I travel with or on a piece of parchment poked into a locket, but memorizing a mantra that you can repeat in times of anxiety is really useful for ridding negativity and surrounding yourself with protective magick.

One of my favorite chants is a simple verse;

I am peace, I am strong
I am sheltered from this storm
Day must follow every night
I am always safe in the Goddess’ light

It’s simple, easy to remember (because it rhymes) and quick to repeat if necessary.

Golden Mist of Protection Spell

Sometimes the uncertainties of others can be the source of your own. This spell comes in handy and provides protection from negative energies that aren’t specifically directed at you. This spell creates a golden protective aura around you, filled with positive energy that blocks other people’s negative thoughts and emotions.

Close your eyes and picture a golden light slowly surrounding you. When you have a clear picture of the energy around you, you may feel a warm lightness in your body. Say to yourself;

The golden light that surrounds me
and the warm lightness of my body
Creates a shield that protects me
With a light that is pure and
Keeps me from harm
The golden aura
Keeps negativity at bay
And blesses those who surround me
With good will and happiness
So mote it be.

If you need magickal items for your spellwork, you can find them at our website

Disclaimer: This site is for informative purposes only and its content should not be considered professional advice. While every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy it is no replacement for the attention of a dedicated professional. The Sacred Willow and it’s proprietors cannot be held responsible for any damage and/or injury suffered resulting from actions and/or decisions based on information found on the site. Please do not self diagnose any condition regarding your own or another’s health. Always seek professional advice or arrange a consultation.

Some of the information provided on this Witchcraft Blog are based on myth, folklore and tradition and may suggest some supernatural or medicinal powers, however we make no claims as to their medical, magickal, psychic or esoteric properties and are sold as curios only.

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